Narcisa Lecusanu told her story: “This is how I opened my eyes on this earth, with my mother and father being deaf-mute. Love has overcome every problem.”



Narcisa Lecusanu, former handball player:

Childhood in a family with deaf-mute parents

On the show, Narcisa revealed that she grew up in a family with deaf-mute parents.

“They weren’t born that way. The problem arose later. My mother developed meningitis, and that’s how the disease was acquired. My father, as far as he could remember, during the war, from a bomb… My father heard until he was 4 years old,” Lecusanu said.

Narica detailed her parents’ situation: “That’s how I opened my eyes on this earth, with my mom and dad being handicapped. God rest them! Love has overcome every problem.”

Then he said: “I only communicated with them through signs, they couldn’t hear at all. My mother read her lips a lot, it was normal for us to grow up like this. Later, when these modern phones came along, we would see each other on FaceTime.”